Frissítés: Balázs 19:33
Az Izlandi Földtudományi Intézet április 24-ei jelentése, valamint az intézet által feldolgozott és április 23-án közzétett radarfelvétel:
Eruption in Eyjafjallajökull – status report 24 April 2010 at 1700
from Icelandic Meteorological Office and Institute of Earth Sciences, UoI
Compiled by: MTG / HB
Based on: IES/IMO Inspection flight with aircraft from Ernir at 1600-1700
IMO seismic monitoring
IES/IMO GPS monitoring
IMO river gauges
Eruption plume:
Height( a.s.l): 13000 feet (4 km)
Heading: SW
Colour: Grey
Tephra fallout: Minor (plume dark but no reports of fallout in districts around volcano)
Meltwater: 100-120 m3/s, based on gauge at old Markarfljót bridge and a rough estimate of base flow.
Conditions at eruption site: North crater still active. Mild explosive activity with spatter thrown to 100 m height above crater. Shockwaves occur every few seconds. North of crater a roughly 300 m long and wide depression has been melted out in the last three days. Steam plumes rise from the depression, especially at the margins. This is explained by lava flowing northwards from the crater with the steam rising where lava meets ice.
Seismic tremor: Magnitude similar to what it has been over the last few days.
GPS deformation: Indicates slow subsidence towards the center of the volcano.
Magma flow: Eruption plume: less or equal to 10 tonnes/s.
Lava flow: 10-30 tonnes/s
Total magma flow: 20-40 tonnes/s
Overall assessment: Magma flow rate has remained at similar level over the last few days. Plume activity is gradually declining. Flow of lava is considered to have began around noon on Wednesday 21 April. Timing is based on: a) onset of semi-continuous discharge of meltwater from Gígjökull, b) Observations of steam rising at northern margin of ice cauldon at 1300 on 21 April, and c) a change occurs in fluctuations in tremor amplitude at this time. No signs of melting or meltwater discharge towards south. No signs of termination of eruption.
Frissítés: Tomi 13:56
Izlandi geofizikusok arra gyanakszanak, hogy az Eyjafjölltől északi irányba egy kisebb lávafolyás alakult ki. A vulkántól északra 300 méteres mélyedés olvadt a jégbe, melynek a peremeiről gőz emelkedik fel a magasba, szerintük ezt egy lávafolyás okozta. Úgy vélik, a lávafolyás április 21-én indult útnak.
Mindeközben a vulkán továbbra is csak alacsony hamufelhőt lövell a levegőbe, 6 km felett sehol sincs hamu a légtérben. A szél most is kelet felől fúj, de az esők miatt kevesebb hamu ülepedik ki szárazon.

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